R Essentials: A Beginner’s Guide to Data Analysis
This book is intended for anyone interested in using R for applied statistical analysis and machine learning. I first encountered R (specifically RStudio) during my master’s studies, and it wasn’t an easy journey—especially as someone from a non-coding background. Initially, I was introduced to software like SPSS and STATA, and eventually R during my master’s studies. R felt unfamiliar and complex by comparison to the previous software. However, those who could use R proficiently seemed impressive to me, which motivated me to keep going. Surprisingly, the learning process became much easier as I keep using R.
Looking back, I wish I had known certain things earlier in my journey of learning R. This book is my attempt to provide those insights, covering the key concepts and tips I wish I had had when I started. I hope it sparks interest in R for others and helps them fully utilize its capabilities.
Finally, I just want to say thanks to my lovely wife, Nurul Asmaq, my parents, Tengku Mokhtar and Nor Malaysia, and my in-laws, Mazalan and Salmeh, for all their understanding. Writing this book means taking the time I would usually spend with them, and while they might not fully get my obsession with R and data analysis (especially my wife!), they’ve supported me every step of the way.