R Essentials: A Beginner’s Guide to Data Analysis


Tengku Muhammad Hanis Bin Tengku Mokhtar, PhD


Dec 20, 2024


This book is currently in its drafting stages and has not yet been published. While all the chapters are complete, most of them are still undergoing further revision and refinement.

This book is intended for anyone interested in using R for applied statistical analysis and machine learning. I first encountered R (specifically RStudio) during my master’s studies, and it wasn’t an easy journey—especially as someone from a non-coding background. Initially, I was introduced to software like SPSS and STATA, and eventually R during my master’s studies. R felt unfamiliar and complex by comparison to the previous software. However, those who could use R proficiently seemed impressive to me, which motivated me to keep going. Surprisingly, the learning process became much easier as I keep using R.

Looking back, I wish I had known certain things earlier in my journey of learning R. This book is my attempt to provide those insights, covering the key concepts and tips I wish I had had when I started. I hope it sparks interest in R for others and helps them fully utilize its capabilities.

Finally, I just want to say thanks to my lovely wife, Nurul Asmaq, my parents, Tengku Mokhtar and Nor Malaysia, and my in-laws, Mazalan and Salmeh, for all their understanding. Writing this book means taking the time I would usually spend with them, and while they might not fully get my obsession with R and data analysis (especially my wife!), they’ve supported me every step of the way.

Tengku Muhammad Hanis Bin Tengku Mokhtar, PhD